No, Senior citizen Decades Isn't A Bitch

Most women age 70 and above frequently complain to my opinion, "Senior years can be described as bitch".

Usually, my truth is, "Well, yes, retirement years can be quite a bitch, but it really does not need to be.. " You've probably heard the expression, "Existence is exactly what you are making it"? It's not only a saying, It's correct.

Senior years may appear to become bitch because of illness, loneliness, financial problems, or else you don't appear just like you familiar with look, but here's the truth: in case you still can complain, you are able to change things. You could be unable to start a lot, but frequently you're able to do more than you imagine you are able to in the event you come to a decision to test. Only the action of trying is energizing.

Allow us to consider things stated to plague seniors -- and the ways to handle it.

"I'm a victim": There could be several among us that are noncompos mentis, however if we're also smart enough to be on a computer, then we are smart enough to smell a phishing scam a mile away. Who in sound mind would respond to an email from Nigeria or anyplace else promising millions of dollars from a dead uncle (we never had) if we send $500 to remove a government lock on the money?

What direction to go instead: In case you have $500 to throw away, buy a couple of shares of McDonald's stock and watch it grow. It's easy to start. Open an account at Schwab or another investment firm.

(Very at the outset of life, when poor but hopeful, I invested $200 I couldn't afford in McDonalds stock. It grew and is maintaining growth. I have given shares of it to grandchildren and the stock is still worth far more than I paid for it. The price will go up and down, but as the TV commercial for the chicken fryer recommends, "Set it and forget it." No, your advanced age does not make it too late to purchase.)

Loneliness: Many lonely the elderly looking for love go on a dating site with the expectation of finding a perfect partner. Possible? Of course. Likely? No. Dr. Phil has aired more than a couple of shows demonstrating how older adults looking for love get the financial ride of their lives. It's sad, but loneliness can lead to desperation.

What direction to go instead: Volunteer to help other people who are emotionally needier than that you are. In giving of ourselves, we may find the love we want. We have so many unexpected gifts when we help others.

Living life in memories: Many seniors have nothing but memories to keep them occupied. They never recognize that they can volunteer or get a job should they be mentally and physically competent. It doesn't matter what the job is along as it provides emotional satisfaction.

Walking out to a Shark Tank TV episode where a young woman knitted purses as a business and was searching for women to help. She went to a nearby retirement community and found a treasure chest of older women who loved to knit and were excellent paid employees. It was a win-win for everyone but especially for retirees who found a new purpose in life. Not only that, but their personalities came back to life. They looked and felt better because they were read more useful. These were grateful they were provided a "nudge" to get back into the flow of the "real world."

How to proceed instead: Get yourself a job, any job that will take you outside of yourself. Leisure oriented retirement is a government construct that leads to inevitable decline. Don't ever dismiss the value of work for your mind and body. Use it or lose it.

Misery loves company: One of many things I don't like about retirement communities and government programs for seniors is that there are too many opportunities to find "misery loves company" companions. While it may promote a camaraderie of sorts, it's not healthy.

What to do instead: Develop your own "senior center" of like-minded rebels with a positive mindset, going to survive that assist each other overcome the roadblocks of life, and welcome the features of advanced age, and be of service to "non-members."

Yes, in numerous ways, senior years could be a bitch. But it doesn't have to be. If mentally competent, there are so many things that can be done to make "old age" better and even joyful for yourself and others. Don't ever think or believe you are "too old" to do what your soul and psyche are begging you to do. Be brave and be daring. You can do it!

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